Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Dinner 2010....

Some of the blogger activity this weekend,..we have been invited by some friends at Pantu to join a dinner with their school...held at Pasar Baru Lachau,..and that is my fisrt formal social activity for this year...we coming all the way from Sri Aman..just want to give a little support...and be one of the fund raiser that night.....maybe we dont just support,but also help to make that night more happening..( coz the help can be in forms of fighting with the blue tiger ..hehehe) are some pictures that i manage to shots...

Picture from left Mr.Chin,Mr Andy,Mr Joni and blogger..this time its still early,..and we can still look thing very clearly..hehehe..

in the picture : YB Snowdan Lawan ,is the patron that night,and thanks to YB coz giving some fund to this school...

cheers all the the night become "younger" for us...everyone thumbs up ,...its time to fight for the blue can..and not mention the liquor also be our company that night...cheers for this weekend....have a great time and happening hours that night ...eventhough our sponsor song came late at the night..but manage to sing one song before heading back to home...and thanks again coz everyone going back safely and wisely...

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Night at the school....a faces of thousand hopes...

Today ,its have been 15 days since the school term started..ands also this year have been 4 years in a row i 've been appointed as a school warden....actually want to step down this year,but have no choice,due to some qualification that cannot be rejected by the blogger...So..being a warden and also a teacher..means that the responsibility is more than others...but that is not a burden for i take it as a side job and gather more experience in this field..Just want to tell and share a little bit about a life's in the hostel as i undergo my routine job as a warden in this lovely school...and take a few snap shots of my pupils that living in the hostels....for sake..from the primary one students to primary six pupils is staying in the school hostel...just imagine how this few innocent faces such as my primary one students try to adapt the environment living in the hostel and away from thier parents...while most children in town a happily living with thier parents..afterall...that was a teacher all about ...we can be anyone....everything...

 Flora ,a primary one students doing her school task during a night study....a very small little girl as i see her still hard for her  to adapt into the hostel lifes..still always want to be near her sister..who are in primary six..

and for this two students who seems to be just innocent faces when i take thier i think..they now a like wide white paper...waiting for us to fill them ...

...ok..that is part of my routine at night..of course during the will be more busy for i continue rounding the class and monitor their works...until i comes to the primary six class..where this year is the target year for the school..." cemerlang menjelang 2010"..(.thats in the motto.)..and this year we are looking and expecting for a quality result......

..and to achieve the quality,...this smart and genius little girl Anne,is our target to achieve and score 5 A in UPSR this year...hope is there..and i think all the SKNK "Squad team" ready to rumble and struggling for more achievement to make our school target become reality...

Finally,..that was only a little bit of story about life's in the hostel..a faces of thousand hopes...there will be more activity coming this year..for now ...its just a sharing about a night at the school and maybe a night with our for me..seeing this children every day and night make me more motivate to teach them and always try very hard to make them understand what "knowledge" is all the poem said..."once you have knowlegde ",you will get the power..."...thats is what i always telling them...some of them might difficult to understand..but some might know...So..changing this children hopes ...i think is not a one man job...yes..its involves all of us...including we,parents...and mostly the soceity we ready..?...YES.......
SKNK BOLEH...2010...!!!...Cheers readers...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My first "hands on".. ..2010..

Yeahh..welcome back to i started this year with a fun and interesting activity in the first week of school term for 2010.As for the blogger,hoping this year will be a "happening" year in SK Nanga Klassen and the blogger is ready to face all the challenge and encounter for this year..and also will give more commitment and always keep the true spirits of teaching our children and giving them a precious knowledge they can ever get...i believe this pupils can be the best if teacher can give their very best efforts help this pupils and also to improve their thinking skills to the highest level...( ..hope my expectation is not too high..)but anything can happen..and its maybe needs a little sacrifice of our the blogger itself...not hoping for a reward or something..but its enough to see our child or students succes and maybe we can help to make their lifes better...thats all the real teachers needs...seeing their students improve and most important succes...thats all i need...and its more worth it than a gift or all teachers and friends out there...HAPPY TEACHING and remember ...always smile....cheers..

they can't wait to see it...

making an experiment to identfiy the "tiny' microorganism..

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Hopes continues...SKNK Hanging Bridge..

Started early December 2009,the construction of the new bridge begins..and the hopes is continued for all the people here ,...hoping the new bridge to be done soon...

the new bridge under construction...

but the water level was always rising,especially this time..the end of the year..heavy rain..slowing the construction process of the bridge...but afterall,we feel glad that finally the issue of the bridge has come to the that the construction will be quickly done as people and student here can't wait to see the new bridge.

My Music