Friday, December 3, 2010

Reflection....a Dreams and a Hope.

So,as the time goes by...year by year,month by month....finally the bridge has completed its construction.As we can see in the picture,the new bridge was completed by the end of this November.No more hanging bridge,but it will stay as a very historical value of all times...the hanging bridge have been there for almost 30 years old of age..
       With this oppurtunity,we like to express our appreciation to all the members,individual,Sri Aman Resident,especially Mr.Desmond Jerukan,DO Sri Aman,contractor and the school itself for have been struggling very hard and non stop action has been taken to ensure the new bridge will stand up like we can see it now.The dreams and hope now is become true..for the sake of our children,with the new bridge,hopefully the school will be one of the top school and be well known throughout the,for this year...SKNK was doing an excellent jobs as for UPSR this year we had achieve 86.67%...more than our target this year.Congratulations also to the SKNK teams for making the better result this year...and the most important thing from my point of view,SKNK has transform from the less known school to the active,succesful and well known school throughout Sri Aman district..thanks again to all the teacher and staff of SKNK for making our school a great and succesful school of all times...
Go..go SKNK..Strive for Excellent 2011...

Here is the pictures of the new bridge building process from the start....

1.This two contractor discussing about construction of the bridge...

2. The bulldozer make it way across Undup river to build the bridge shaft..

3. The building of the bridge shaft begins...

4. construction in progress...

5. View from the hanging bridge...

6. The bridge shaft is completed..

7. putting the iron steel....

8. almost completed...

9. painting the bridge holder...

10. view from the side..

11.Finally,its done...! 

Presenting...The New Bridge of SK Ng.Klassen ( the latest)

the old and the new bridge...

My Music