Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Caroll ang Merry Xmas 2009.......

Just want to wish a merry XMAS and happy New Year to all the bloggers friends and all the christians around the world...may joy and happiness will always be with us in the 2010 ........some picture taken during the christmas caroll in the house....hohoho...and merry xmas again...GOD BLESS ....

Monday, December 7, 2009

Song of the Warriors...

I described the true spirits of warriors must be inside the teachers for the iban warriors fights for the freedom in the past..teachers have to struggle hard everyday..must have a mentally strong mind to be an educater..keep on the spirits of warriors..."agi idup...agi ngelaban"..agi idup..agi mansang"...
( lastly i found the background music for this the i described the Song of the Warriors..)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

REFLEKSI DIRI ....Self Reflection....

Salam perpaduan dan salam 1 Malaysia semua kepada sesiapa yang mengunjungi blog ini...persekolahan 2009 sudahpun melabuhkan tirainya..sebagai seorang warga pendidik ,ingin juga membuat refleksi diri sebagai   untuk penambahbaikan dan motivasi diri..sebelum melangkah ke sesi persekolahan 2010 kelak...Bagi bloggers sendiri ...mula-mula menghasilkan blog hanyalah sebagai hobi sahaja...but what this blog can do is more than that...and the most important and precious thing i found is very "high self confident" when you are writing sumthing or when you thinking of an idea you want to write in the blogs..its makes you thinks more effectively..and more awareness to live in this globalisation world...all the we make is without border of nothing..everyone can easily do or create thier own blog,web,or can make account at the most popular website now ...thats is in Facebook,frendster and many more free sites to join..i think its very simple,you always online in the net..and use it wisely...believe me..the benefits is there..and its dont just benefits,its more than that you can all the viewers and freinds..thanks for spending a little time in this blog...besides its just only a simple blog..its not the blogs for the expressing the anger of the bloggers as we can see many blogs that publishing the anger and unsatisfied feeling among this blog ,what the bloggers want to share is the story..and is all about "nothing"..and here i want to pick up a few words that i found in the Nadai nama -nama "FOCUS ON THE BLOG STORY..NOT THE BLOGGERS,NEVER-NEVER THE BLOGGER..."...

Blogger make this blog  not to show the kindness or to hiding something from viewers...its only for self reflection and for make better connection with the viewers...But..maybe some people or maybe some old friends..mights thinks that blogger is still the same person like the old times...blogger always found that some old friends that his found in the web,such as FB or etc...still looks or thought that we are the person that they can play or be fooled!!! all old timer friend out there....please..if there are been a long time we haven't met,until today...we met again in this web...just dont think that people are the same as we met 5,6,7,8,9,10 years before....just remember..people can change and nobodys are dear friends.....this is where we must think positively..and give a little support or hope...for those who making changing in thier lifes...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holidays Swing and BBQ...

Its time to have fun and times to cheers up...this is kind of one of our culture.."manggang" and have a toast...and not to mention ,the beers and liquor also come together..but please ,we are not an alcoholic..just it doesnt matter to spent a little time to chill and cheers up wit fren,relatives and up,yam seng and ooohaaaaa....

bbq and having a swing liquor with cousin kevin,johan and uncle Robin...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Its Holiday Again 2009...And the memories remains of 2009 SK Nanga Klassen..

Wow..! Its holidays again coming to us..and of course the most happy faces is the student itself....and it is not a teachers holidays..its for our kids and pupils the kids off..the teachers also can get their "offs" during this holidays..its a long term and its the end of the semester for the blogger itself ,holidays is the time  to spend some time with the loves one's,...and not to mention ,its honeymoon time ( hahaha)..well..not much to say for this post,just want to wish all friends and colleague a happy holiday and just want to share the memories of 2009 ...

just a little flashback for all the activities and great memories that have been succesfully done by the great team of SK Nanga Klassen...2009..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hope for 1 Malaysia..SKNK Hanging Bridge..

Journey to the other side of the worlds...the story..the hope...
1 Malaysia..

The story....

It’s have been almost 2 years since I arrived at SK Nanga Klassen here…what is my first thought when arrived here?..of course it will be more comfortable than my older school at Ulu Kakus when my fisrt posting was  there…and then now my new school seems to be a better place for me to start a real challenging career and get back my honourity in terms of fighting back for my dignity….( wow,seems so serious ha,but please ,don’t bother,it just a side of the story,hehe)…

At first side, a happy feeling was there when I was transfer to this school…it just located at side of the main road of Sri Aman –Sibu,Btu,MiRI..and only just 23 km from the Sri Aman town…and of course it was accessible by road besides using a boat or facing with the stream in the river…but somehow my heart and thought a little bit knocked down by one things – Yes…It was a Hanging Bridge..all is set to be just perfect ,except for this matter..people and students are using this bridge since a long time before…and are betting their lifes in crossing the bridge….And everyone are hoping this bridge can be replaced by a new and modern bridge…and of course the journey of making the newer bridge is not as easy as we thought…..we can talk and argue about it,but if no action is taken ….it will be still the same scenario we have here..   the author’s itself just an ordinary person who wants to see the good development is being brought to this for us and myself..only hope and always pray that responsible authority will be taking their action and hope there we better progress about the construction of the new bridge…

The Hope...

Yes…! ..there’s a hope for the newer bridge…there’s bright hope for the new bridge..after all the hard work have been done …thanks to my great leader( our school headmaster)..for giving the full commitment in making this dream comes true..not to mention all the few agencies..SDO..Sri Aman Resident…and JKR ..for giving our bridge problem to be their first priority among the hundreds development request that have in this area..and also not to forget the YB’s …YB Francis Harden ak Hollis…we have been working and fighting for the new bridge..for almost 2 least now ,though its corner of the year…what we and the people can heard and being told is the hope of new bridge will ( the construction of the new bridge) soon be start at this December 2009..
…and the hope will continues..especially those who are using the bridge everyday…and also the students and the school itself is more important as the bridge is the only way for the pupils and the teachers to enter the school …and hope after this or by next year ,we can see a good feeling and smile amongs the pupils and also the authors itself is also play the role in the journey of this new bridge…so ,now lets we hope together and work together making this dreams comes true…hopes this will be one the 1 Malaysia theme…”rakyat didahulukan”…”pencapaian diutamakan”….

Excellent Year..A Great Year 2009....

..well..meets again here..with the side of 2009 almost comes to the end...a great year for us for me this year, in my personal opinion have been very succesfull and exciting years and also not to mention ..excellent years for me terms of building a career and hope this will be the milestone for the great future and for the better lifes..being in a teacher profesion was really challenging moments...have been through all the ups and down in the teachers world..make us more realize that there were no border in case of achieving our struggle between the difficult times and moments in our lifes....once you move forward,just never look back ...but somehow we cannot hide from the "darkest" moments in our lifes...just dont run from the moments...have to face it and deal with dont want to live in the shadow of the nightmare...and thanks GOD...everyhthing now going well enough...after all the sacrifice and commitment given throughout this year...and all the bets was very worth it.. for the self satisfaction...we felt and for the blogger itself this year was have been very succesfull and oustanding achievecement we had made throughout this year 2009......we felt that we have done our job well besides we manage to settle down all the encounter coming this year..
...thanks a lot to all freinds in SK Nanga Klassen for being a such a great partner no matter in work place and also not to mention the "great"time we have been through this great year...and hope it will be continues to the year to come 2010...hope will be more happening and live events in our schools..and remember to keep up the true spirits of teachers...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Papan Tanda SK Nanga Klassen yang siap sepenuhnya.

Staff SK Nanga Klassen 2009

Duduk dari kiri:
En.Joni Colin,En.Satin Bujang(GC),Pn.Arifahamalina(PK1),En.SlyvesterEmbuas(GB),En.Andrew Achan( PKHEM),En.George Jimbon( PKKK),En.Abdul Majid.
Barisan tengah dari kiri:
Pn .Dayang(PA),Pn.Mas(PPMA),Pn.Selia(PPMA),Pn.Kartini( GPRA),Cik Juliana( PTR),Cik Zatur ( G.Pemulihan),Pn.Lawie,Pn.Kurie,Pn.Alai( PAP),Pn.Rabiah(PAP).
Belakang dari kiri:
En.Tony(PPMA),Ustaz Mohd Ilyas,En.Entinggi,En.Ery,En.Charles .

Monday, October 19, 2009

Galeri Perkhemahan Unit Uniform SKNK..

ye..yanko rambo yako....

king and queen of the jungle...hehe
upacara unggun api dan nyanyian..

Guru Besar memberi ucapan perasmian...

antara khemah yang paling kreatif dibina oleh murid sendiri...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Perkhemahan Unit Beruniform Peringkat Zon Sri Aman

pertandingan memasak ayam pansoh....
membuat gajet...

murid-murid sendiri mendirikan khemah dan menghias khemah..

hari pertama...demo memasang khemah oleh fasilitator..

hari sebelum perkhemahan...mendirikan pintu gerbang...

Pada 15-17 Oktober 2009 SK Nanga Klassen telah menganjurkan perkhemahan unit beruniform peringkat zon Sri Aman...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lawatan sambil belajar 1 Malaysia murid SKNK..

Lawatan ke Kampung Budaya Sarawak...

di depan Rumah Orang Ulu....

melawat ke Kompleks DUN yang baru...

gambar murid semasa lawatan .....

di muzium perkayuan Sarawak...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fun Facts...just read..

Another great thought....USED vs LOVED

While a man was polishing his new car,his 4 yr old son picked up a stoneand scratched lines on the side of the car.

In anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times not realizinghe was using a wrench.

At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures.When the child saw his father..... with painful eyes he asked, 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?'

The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times.

Devastated by his own actions...... sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches; the child had written 'LOVE YOU DAD'.The next day that man committed suicide. . .

Anger and Love have no limits; choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovelylife & remember this: Things are to be used and people are to be loved.

The problem in today's world is that people are used while things are loved.Let's try always to keep this thought in mind: Things are to be used,People are to be loved.

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character;
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

I'm glad a friend forwarded this to me as a reminder..

I hope you have a good day no matter what problems you may face it's the only day you'll have before it's over.

Papan Tanda SK Nanga Klassen yang terbaru.

Papan tanda yang terbaru....
pemandangan dari tepi jalan....

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Trip to Ulu Skrang.....( semasa mengawas UPSR di SK Nanga Entalau,Lubok Antu.)

besuar ba ai skrang...
ngetu ba karangan.........
ai batang skrang....

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sekadar renungan....

Who said only human know what is love

Yes, animals are more deluded because of their capacity of their physical body, but
occasionally some of them might be able show us the love that we have forgotten on
our 'busy road'. Just like this story.

this is real touching…

Hey, wake up! wake up!

A dog was knocked down by a car and died on the middle of the road. Later, another dog is
seen beside the corpse of the dog, he tried to wake his friend up using his leg.

Let's move to the safer side of the road...i will move you to the safer side!

When his attempts to wake his friend failed, he tried to push his friend to the side of the
road. But the weight of his friend was proven too heavy for him.

Anyone help, tell me what to do.

Though the traffic is busy and dangerous, he just will not go away from his friend. Just
stand beside his friend howling and crying.

A lot of people saw this incident and feel very touched. How even a dog can show his loyalty and love to his friend.

My Music