Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hope for 1 Malaysia..SKNK Hanging Bridge..

Journey to the other side of the worlds...the story..the hope...
1 Malaysia..

The story....

It’s have been almost 2 years since I arrived at SK Nanga Klassen here…what is my first thought when arrived here?..of course it will be more comfortable than my older school at Ulu Kakus when my fisrt posting was  there…and then now my new school seems to be a better place for me to start a real challenging career and get back my honourity in terms of fighting back for my dignity….( wow,seems so serious ha,but please ,don’t bother,it just a side of the story,hehe)…

At first side, a happy feeling was there when I was transfer to this school…it just located at side of the main road of Sri Aman –Sibu,Btu,MiRI..and only just 23 km from the Sri Aman town…and of course it was accessible by road besides using a boat or facing with the stream in the river…but somehow my heart and thought a little bit knocked down by one things – Yes…It was a Hanging Bridge..all is set to be just perfect ,except for this matter..people and students are using this bridge since a long time before…and are betting their lifes in crossing the bridge….And everyone are hoping this bridge can be replaced by a new and modern bridge…and of course the journey of making the newer bridge is not as easy as we thought…..we can talk and argue about it,but if no action is taken ….it will be still the same scenario we have here..   the author’s itself just an ordinary person who wants to see the good development is being brought to this for us and myself..only hope and always pray that responsible authority will be taking their action and hope there we better progress about the construction of the new bridge…

The Hope...

Yes…! ..there’s a hope for the newer bridge…there’s bright hope for the new bridge..after all the hard work have been done …thanks to my great leader( our school headmaster)..for giving the full commitment in making this dream comes true..not to mention all the few agencies..SDO..Sri Aman Resident…and JKR ..for giving our bridge problem to be their first priority among the hundreds development request that have in this area..and also not to forget the YB’s …YB Francis Harden ak Hollis…we have been working and fighting for the new bridge..for almost 2 least now ,though its corner of the year…what we and the people can heard and being told is the hope of new bridge will ( the construction of the new bridge) soon be start at this December 2009..
…and the hope will continues..especially those who are using the bridge everyday…and also the students and the school itself is more important as the bridge is the only way for the pupils and the teachers to enter the school …and hope after this or by next year ,we can see a good feeling and smile amongs the pupils and also the authors itself is also play the role in the journey of this new bridge…so ,now lets we hope together and work together making this dreams comes true…hopes this will be one the 1 Malaysia theme…”rakyat didahulukan”…”pencapaian diutamakan”….

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