Friday, October 8, 2010

Legend of "Batu Nabau".

"Batu Nabau" is the rock that resembles the big anaconda..according to the villagers..the story of this "rock anaconda" is believe to be alive until nowadays..people from all over Sarawak coming to this legendary site to witness the unique view of the " batu nabau"..there was several rules that has to be follow by the visitors..such as do not throw food especially milk and eggs on the "rock",do not climb the "rock",do not ask for the 4d if we disobey the rules..sumthing bad will happen to us..the risk is at our own responsibility...But..its ok if we just  asking for a better health and happiness only.
       After the "Batu Nabau" trip..we hang over to Wong Ajong..where we have our picnic,lunch and doing some BBQ with the students.It was a happening moment for us and students was enjoying the trip all day long...
..ok..thats all..enjoys and God Bless.

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