Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hanging Bridge...almost down.

20 August 2010 Friday,SK Ng Klassen hanging bridge almost hit by a flood due to non-stop heavy rain.Looking at the picture ,teachers and staff  is carrying a students to evacuate the schools that morning.PPD had ordered the school to be closed due to the dangerous condition of the bridge....SO..Please something must be done quickly before the bridge collapsed...hope this time the upstairs people can act faster and quickly built the newer bridge in for the sake of this student lifes!!...Blogger have mention this bridge issue how many times since last year...and now we just wait and see what the authorised responsible person will do after this disaster ...or are we waiting for one's lifes or more that are taken away by the strong stream of flood...we just look and see....hopefully there's a bright hope for us...hopefully..please...thank you..

pengorbanan guru dan kakitangan sekolah tidak mengira masa,tempat dan nyawa mereka demi untuk mendidik anak-anak bangsa..

its very dangerous situation here..!!!

petikan dari Utusan Sarawak 21/08/2010


  1. Amat ga sida ti datas madik. Anang nyu nganti nyawa lenyau baru ka ngadu jembatan nya.

  2. nya meh kaban,diatu baru start sida ya ngadu jambatannya,enti enda ampuh ari nya,bedau meh sida ya..susah gak kontraktor kitai tuk ne...: )

  3. ayoo...very dangerous! hopefully the new bridge will be built soon enough.

  4. yes..they already start the building of a new bridge..hope the water level is not increasing..thanks..


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